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5-α reductase inhibitors, 5α-Reductase inhibitors, Aanticoagulants, Abiraterone, Actigraphy, Active surveillance, Adenotonsillectomy, Adjuvant, Adolescent, ADT, Advanced prostate cancer, Alkaline phosphatase, Alternative splicing, Androgen, Androgen antagonists, Androgen deprivation therapy, Androgen pathway blockade, Androgen receptor inhibitor, Antegrade ejaculation, Antiandrogens, Anticancer agents, Antidiuretic, Antimuscarinics, Apnea, Aquablation, ARCHES, Arousal, Article of the Month, ASCO GU21, ASCO GU22, ASCO21, AUA21, AUA24, Avanafil, BCG, BCG therapy, BCG-unresponsive disease, Benign Prostatic Diseases, BHC80, BHP, Biochemical recurrence, Biomarkers, Biopsy, bipolar TURO, Bisphosphonates, Bladder, Bladder capacity, Bladder injury, Bladder neoplasms, Bladder outlet obstruction, Bladder trauma, Bladder-sparing therapy, Bladder-sparing trimodality, BNC, Bone metastases, BOO, BOOI, BPD, BPE, BPH, BPO, BRCA1, BRCA2, Cabozantinib, Carcinoma, Castrate-resistanter, Castration-resistant, Chemoradiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Chronic bacterial prostatitis, Chronic kidney disease, Circadian rhythms, Clinical pathways, Clinical practice guidelines, Clinical staging, Clinical trial, Clinical trials, Cohort study, Collaborative care, Comorbidity, Corticotropin-releasing factor, COVID-19, CP/CPPS, CPPS, Cryosurgery, cSP, Curriculum, Cystectomy, Deferred treatment, Depression, Desmopressin, Detrusor, Detrusor hypocontractility, Detrusor overactivity, Diagnosis, Dihydrotestosterone, Disease progression, Docetaxel, Drug adherence, Drug therapy, Dutasteride, Early recurrence patterns, EAU, EAU21, EAU22, Ejaculation, Ejaculation preservation, Ejaculatory dysfunction, Emission-computed, EMUC21, EMUC22, End-to-side nerve grafting, Endoscopic surgery, Enuresis, Enzalutamide, EORTC, Epidemiology, ERBB2, ERCC2, Erectile dysfunction, Erectile function, ERUS22, ESMO21, ESMO22, ESOU Online, ESOU21, ESOU22, ESU Masterclass, ESU Masterclasses, External beam radiotherapy, Fexapotide triflutate, Fibrosis, Finasteride, Focal therapy, Fractures, Frail patient​, Frequency volume chart, Frozen section, Fusion biopsies, Gene expression analysis, Genomic classifier, Genomics, GL-XPS, Glomerular filtration rate, GreenLight laser, Guidelines, Hematuria, Herbal medicines, High-risk NMIBC, Highlight of the Month, HoLEP, hormone-sensitive, HORRAD, HRQL, Hypogonadism, Hypoxia, IC/BPS, ICS21, Image guided biopsy, Imaging, IMDC risk model, Immune checkpoint, Immune checkpoint blockade, Immunohistochemistry, Immunoregulation, Immunotherapy, Impaired contractility, Incontinence, Index lesion, Indocyanine green, Infection, Infertility, Inflammation, Inflammatory biomarkers, Innervation, Intensity-modulated radiotherapy, Intravesical therapy, IPP, IPSS, iTIND, Kidney cancer, Laparoscopic radical cystectomy, Laparoscopy, Laser Bipolar, Laser prostatectomy, Laser therapy, Local radiotherapy, Localised, Localized, Localized prostate cancer, LUT, LUTS, Lymph node excision, Lymph node metastases, Lymph nodes, Lymphadenectomy, Major cardiac adverse event, Male LUTS, Management of Non-Neurogenic LUTS incl. BPO, Mapping, Mass spectrometry, Masterclass, Masterclass on BPO, Masterclass on Lasers in urology, Masterclass on MIBC, Masterclass on NMIBC, Masterclasses, MDV3100, Medical therapy, Melatonin, Membranous urethra, Meta analysis, Meta regression, Metabolic syndrome, Metastasectomy, Metastasis, Metastasized, Metastatic, Metastatic urothelial cancer, MIBC, Microbiome, Microscopic haematuria, Micturition chart, Minimally invasive surgical therapy, minimally invasive techniques, Mirabegron, Molecular subtypes, Monotherapies, Mortality, Mortality reduction, mp-MRI, MRI, Multiparametric MRI, Multiple sclerosis, Muscarinic antagonist, Neoadjuvant, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Neoplasm metastasis, Neoplasm recurrence, Neoplasm staging, Nephrectomy, Nephron-sparing surgery, Nephroureterectomy, Nerve sparing, Neuro-urology, Neuromodulation, Neurourology, Next-generation sequencing, NIBC, nitinol, Nivolumab, Nocturia, Nocturia Symposium, Nocturia Think Tank, Nocturnal enuresis, Nocturnal Enuresis and Alarm Treatment, Nocturnal Enuresis and Desmopressin, Nocturnal Enuresis and Quality of Life, Nocturnal polyuria, Nocturnal voiding frequency, Nomogram, Non-visible haematuria, Noncastrate, Noninvasive, Nuclear matrix protein 22, NX-1207, OAB, Obesity, Obstructive sleep apnea, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, Oncologic outcomes, Online curriculum, Open radical cystectomy, Optical coherence, Orchiectomy, Overactive bladder, Overall survival, Overdiagnosis, p53, Paediatric Urology, Parental punishment, Partial nephrectomy, Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology, Patient information, Patient satisfaction, Patient-reported outcome, PCa21, PD-L1, Pembrolizumab, Penile rehabilitation, Permixon, PET, PET/CT, Pharmacology, Phenotypically directed multimodal management, Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, Phytotherapy, Placebo effect, Plasmakinetic enucleation, PLND, Positron emission tomography, Postoperative complications, Potential risk factors, POUT trial, Precision medicine, Pretreatment risk stratification, Pretreatment tables, Prevention & control, Primary tumor treatment, Prognosis, Prognostic model, Prognostication, Prospective study, Prostasomes, Prostate, Prostate arterial embolisation, Prostate screening, Prostate surgery, Prostate-specific antigen, Prostate-specific membrane antigen, Prostatectomy, Prostatic, Prostatic arterial embolization, Prostatic artery embolization, Prostatic hyperplasia, Prostatic neoplasms, Prostatitis, ProtecT trial, Proteomics, PSA, PSA flare, PSA kinetics, PSA screening, PSMA PET/CT, PTEN, PUL, QoL, Quality of life, Radiation therapy, Radical cystectomy, Radical nephrectomy, Radical prostatectomy, Radical surgery, Radio-chemotherapy, Randomized controlled trial, Randomized prospective trial, Randomized trial, Randomized trials, Rapid metastasis, RARC, RASP, Rb, RB1, Receptors, Recurrence, Remission, Renal cancer, Renal cell, Renal cell carcinoma, Renal cryoablation, Renal function, Renal function profile, Renorrhaphy, Retrograde ejaculation, Risk stratification, RNA splicing, Robotic, Robotic prostatectomy, Robotic radical cystectomy, Robotic surgery, Robotic Urology, Robotics, Salivary alpha-amylase, Salvage therapy, Screening, Sentinel lymph node, Serenoa repens, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual dysfunctions, Sexual quality of life, Sildenafil, Simple prostatectomy, Sleep quality, Sleep-disordered breathing, Sodium diuresis, Solifenacin, SREs, SRRM4, STAMPEDE, Stem cells, Stereotactic body radiotherapy, Surgery, Surgical intervention, Surgical margins, Surgical video, surgical videos, Survival outcome, Suture, Sympathetic nervous activity, Systematic biopsy, Systematic review, Tadalafil, Tamsulosin, Targeted Biopsy, Targeted therapies, Telomerase, Testosterone, ThuLEP, TITAN, TmLRP, Tolterodine, Tomography, TP53, Transcriptome, Transitional cell, Transitional cell carcinoma, Transperineal template biopsy, Treatment response, Tregs, Tumor suppressor genes, TUR syndrome, TURis, TURP, Ultrasensitive PSA, Ultrasonography, Underactive bladder, urethral implantable device, Urethral injury, Urethral trauma, Urinary bladder neoplasms, Urinary diversion, Urinary incontinence, Urinary Incontinence in Adults, Urinary nerve growth factor, Urinary sphincter, Urinary tract infection, Urodynamic, Urodynamics, Urodynamics techniques, Urolift, Urological surgery, Urothelial cancer, Urothelium, UROwebinar, UTUC, Vardenafil, Voiding, Voiding diary, Voiding dysfunction, Water diuresis, WCRF/AICR CUP, Webinar, Wnt, Zoledronic acid, α-Adrenergic blocker, α-Adrenoceptor antagonists, α-Blocker, α-blockers, α1-Blockers
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Signs and Symptoms of Detrusor Underactivity: An Analysis of Clinical Presentation and Urodynamic Tests From a Large Group of Patients Undergoing Pressure Flow Studies

Tamsulosin Treatment Affecting Patient-reported Outcomes in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia-associated Depressive Symptoms

Latest Evidence on the Use of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Reveal and Predict Important Cardiovascular Disease

Chronic Prostate Inflammation is Associated with Severity and Progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Risk of Acute Urinary Retention

Heritability of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men: A Twin Study

Advancing a Comprehensive Approach to the Study of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Maintaining a Healthy Balance: Targeting TERT to Stem Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Re: α1-Blockers Improve Benign Prostatic Obstruction in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Urodynamic Studies

Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Preliminary assessment of neck circumference in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in patients with metabolic syndrome

Large percentage of potential TURP candidates: Mid-term results
