A Population-based Survey of the Prevalence, Potential Risk Factors, and Symptom-specific Bother of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Adult Chinese Women
Diagnosing the Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Nocturnal Polyuria
EAU Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms including Benign Prostatic Obstruction
Quantitative association between nocturnal voiding frequency and objective sleep quality in the general elderly population: the HEIJO-KYO cohort
NICE Clinical Guidelines 2010: The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men
EAU Guidelines on Urinary Incontinence
Could nocturia be an indicator of an undiagnosed sleep disorder in male veterans?
Postoperative urinary incontinence exacerbates nocturia-specific quality of life after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
Indoor cold exposure and nocturia: a cross-sectional analysis of the HEIJO-KYO study
Nonantimuscarinic treatment for overactive bladder: a systematic review
Association of obstructive sleep apnea risk factors with nocturnal enuresis in postmenopausal women
Nocturia and sleep quality after transurethral resection of the prostate